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Hendrie Constructions |  Rockhampton and Yeppoon

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Strong start to 2018 for Hendrie Constructions

Hendrie Constructions, Hartley Street, civil construction, central queensland

Hendrie Constructions continues to cement its place as a strong construction force in Central Queensland, with a demanding schedule of projects in 2018 keeping their project team busy on the ground.

After completion of major project work for the new Capricorn Rescue Helicopter Service Hangar in Rockhampton in late 2017, Hendrie’s started the year laying the foundations for new stages of Edenbrook residential subdivision at Parkhurst, and played a major role laying underground services for Livingstone Shire Council’s new Hartley Street Sports and Recreation Precinct at Emu Park.

At the same time, the Hendrie Constructions team were pleased to extend their project scope, securing the Fitzroy River Water Northern Access Upgrade, to construct a new valve chamber for the trunk water main relocation project in Rockhampton.

Managing Director Mr Luke Hendrie said the Northern Access Upgrade was the largest concrete job they had done to date, with in excess of 50 cubic metres of concrete and 20 tonnes of steel used in a single pit.

“We were proud to work alongside Fitzroy River Water staff to complete this complex job to specifications, again producing a quality job for our client, on-time,” Mr Hendrie said.

“Our reputation is growing in Central Queensland and we are proud to be involved with a number of well-known projects in this booming region.”

“We are grateful to Edenbrook Developments, one of our long-term clients for their ongoing support as we lay the foundations for one of Rockhampton’s fastest-growing residential subdivisions, Edenbrook – country living with city convenience, on the outskirts of Rockhampton.”

“The key to our overall business approach is to create quality work, with trust, respect and long-term relationships as our priority,” Mr Hendrie said.

“As a family-owned company it is heartening to work on a wide range of major projects; from new home sub-divisions and sporting precincts, schools and churches, to gardens and community spaces – all places valued by families in our region,” he said.

“We look forward to continuing to work with existing and new clients as a trusted and respected civil construction company in Central Queensland,” Mr Hendrie said.


16 Plover Drive, Barmaryee QLD 4703

PO Box 884, Yeppoon QLD 4703

(07) 4939 8210

Hendrie Constructions |  Rockhampton and Yeppoon

ABN: 68 605 242 153

ACN: 605 242 153

©️ Hendrie Constructions 2024 

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